We are The Aquarius Foundation, a charitable nonprofit devoted to funding leading edge ideas and innovations that have a restorative effect on Nature (including human nature). Think of us like a Venture Capitalist firm, but instead of investing for capital gain, our return on investment (ROI) is a world in which Mother Nature and all of her children are thriving.


By researching, networking, and collaborating with social entrepreneurs from around the globe, we bring opportunities to make a difference to you. We do the work to present you with people, ideas and technological advancements having a real impact in the world. We vet the inventors, their work, and the integrity of their intentions and organizations. After certifying the legitimacy of their cause and their means to accomplish it, we extend an invitation to our members to make a tax-deductible donation. Any return of investment is reinvested into our mission to protect, preserve and restore Mother Nature.


At The Aquarius Foundation, we are embracing the notion that we already have all of the resources, ingenuity and creativity we will ever need to solve all of the world’s problems. It's simply a matter of reassessing our values and applying ourselves meaningfully. She (Mother Earth) has already given us everything; all the land, water, air, plant and animal life we will ever need to thrive. THE GARDEN IS HERE ALREADY. Our only role is to effectively care for what's already been given. In doing so, we will thrive.

Our Projects

Learn more about our initiatives and what we're doing to leave this world better than we found it.

Aquarius Cacao

Premium, raw, whole bean drinking chocolate with the mission to end child labor, human trafficking and human slavery in the global chocolate industry.

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Pay The Poachers

An initiative to end the illegal poaching of endangered wildlife worldwide. By paying poachers to protect endangered wildlife and incentivizing them to recruit fellow individuals away from poaching, the very people causing the global devastation of endangered animals are given the opportunity to help save them.

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Ground The Globe

Vivobarefoot meets Earth Runners in this awe inspiring movement to reconnect people with the Planet. By grounding the entire globe, we effectively awaken humanity to the wisdom, power and healing available right beneath its feet.

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A nonprofit grocery store model intended to disrupt the retail food industry. By eliminating the profit motive, Foood can offer its customers the highest quality, nutrient dense foods on the planet at the most affordable prices.

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Energy Independence

Join us in making fossil fuels and the energy grid a thing of the past. With this technology, you will be able to build a self-sustaining, off-grid home anywhere on the planet without the need to connect to the power grid.

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